Friday, February 9, 2018

I challenge you!

What are the little things that make you feel good and cozy inside? It could be reading your favorite book while drinking a hot tea. Or, taking a long hot bath while listening to your favorite music. Maybe exercising makes you feel accomplished and unstoppable! I know I get a sense of victory every time I workout! All the while these may seem so small, but it makes all the difference to us to do them.

Which is important to remember. This is about us and how we can change the way our day goes, right? Or, how we choose to live our life, if you are looking at the bigger picture. You are in control of the life you live. Your choices will lead you to where you are and where you are headed. If you don't make a change, don't expect change. Period. 

The little things matter. So, I challenge you to do something that makes you feel good. Take the time for you! Remember this... the happier you are, the more you have to offer. Find the little things that make a difference in your life. 

I for example, put my kids to bed at 8:30 pm, just to have that peace and quiet. As a mom, you just need it, lol! Yeah you know what I'm talking about, uh huh! 😉

I love to teach, preach and share....which leads me to what I am doing now! Blogging is an outlet for me. An outlet to share my thoughts and ideas with you. A way to connect with people I would have never had the chance to connect with. 
Follow your passion! Aspire to be the best you, you can be! Love with all your heart, fear nothing, and have no regrets. Fear will only hold you back! You have no control of what others do or say. So do you!