Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Feeling older than you are?

The reality of it is, that we are getting older day-by-day. But that does not mean we have to feel our age. 
No one has the right to dictate how we should feel, look, or dress. We need to be comfortable in our own skin and own it!
If you don't like the way you look, then do something about it! 

If you are tired of the same routine, do something about it!
We rock! We are so strong and valuable. Even if we don't feel like it sometimes, we are! 
We have the power to decide what happens in our lives, and it starts with the choices we make! 

How do we do this?

#1 Make the choice to take control!
Well, it's as simple as taking the first step to want to do it. 

#2 Try to incorporate a skin care routine or adding bath oil to your bath. Your skin will thank you!
It's important for us as women to take care of ourselves. It's something about the little things that just make us feel better. For example; I have a skin care routine in the morning and at night. I have to say I feel all fancy, lol. The aroma of the creams and the feel of my skin after wards just makes all the difference.

#3 Change up your look a bit.
Another great thing to do is change up your look a bit. Something about seeing yourself in a different way seems to help, at least it does with me. :) I don't mean anything too drastic either. If you normally don't wear eyeliner, put a little on. You can even tight-line and apply a little mascara! Or if you normally wear a lighter shade of lipstick, put on something a little brighter. Or if you dare, something a little darker!

#4 A healthier you; you decide what that means to you!
Now, the big one! Health & fitness.....eh yeah that's a big one. And no I don't mean you need to be lean and toned or all muscle. I mean healthy as a whole; mind, body and soul. It's important for you to know your worth and to take care of the body that was given to you. This is your life and you only have one. Why not make the most of it? Baby steps.....incorporate healthy habits. Such as, going on a walk or run. There is something about being outside and breathing in that fresh air. It is so therapeutic and relaxing. You can even limit the not-so-healthy snacks or drinks. Now, I am realistic on the expectations of still being able to eat the foods we love. Just limit the serving size, that's all.

Now, I am no expert. This is only my point of view. I just want to make a difference and reach as many people as possible to empower them and lift all the spirits I can. I myself, are on a journey to a healthier me! So, what better way than to share it with you! 

Make the choice to believe in yourself! 

A little about me....

I am an Independent Sales Representative for Avon. I joined Avon to share the power of beauty and what it can do for us! I hope through this journey I can empower women of all ages! I made the choice not to work your average nine to five job, because of my condition and the immense need to be there for my family 24/7. 
I am dealing with the ups and downs of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia. So it only seemed fitting to find a job that I could pick and choose my own hours. Who wouldn't want to be there own boss?! (If you are interested in joining my team, please contact me at getinspiredwithavon@gmail.com.)

As I find my way in this world, I thought I would share my life lessons, aspirations, and dreams with you. I hope to inspire and bring a little happiness to all that will be willing to welcome it! We have all gone through some hard times, some more than others, but I want everyone to know that there is always hope. 

Never give up and dream big! Till next time......Adriana

Monday, January 29, 2018

About Me

I am a 37 year old, wife and mother of three. I love to craft, cook and inspire. I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative and blogger. 
My work is fueled by the love I have for my family. I hope to inspire, modivate, and empower! 

Join me on this journey and let's make your world a better place one day at a time!
I hope to share anything and everything! 
Nothing is off limits here. If there is a topic you would like me touch on, let me know.

 All comments and stories are welcome! All negative comments will be deleted. 
So, I thank you in advance for all of your positive feedback! Till next time...... Adriana